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Turning back the clock - Feeling 20 years younger
I was always tired. I felt run down and lacked mental focus. My health was affecting my job performance as well as every other aspect of my life. I knew I needed to make a change. So, I began exercising and dieting ...*
- Rob Tomaino, Randolph, NJ - US
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What an Improvement
What an improvement, I mean WOW. My name is Colin Hancock and I am from a small town outside Toledo OH. I have always had my eye out for the healthy side of life, at least in my earlier years. I always avoided fast food and never touched a pop at all. I trained for sports in high school and was the top wrestler in my school and ranked in the state competition ...*
- Colin Hancock, Cincinnati, OH - US
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Regained My Confidence
Back in high school, in the good old days, I was at the top of my game. I was young, I was fit, I was popular, I was working out about 5 times a week, I ran about 3 miles a day, I played an array of sports from basketball, soccer, and football. I was in the pursuit of being a professional dancer. I was in phenomenal shape and my body was at the best it could be ...*
- Jonny Cann, Cliffside Park, NJ - US
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Finally An Answer
When I got to middle school I started to notice that kids were pointing fingers at me. My friends would always say, "I would never fight him because he is huge!!" and all I was thinking was that I’m not even a fighter, I can't even hurt a fly. When things seemed like it was at its worst, I was fortunate enough to bump into an old friend, and he introduced me to YOR HEALTH. I quickly got started because deep down inside I was in search of a miracle, something that would finally work for me after years of trying other products ...*
- Marlon Colindres, Waltham, MA - US
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Just Being Me
I never really suffered from being ridiculously overweight; the most I ever weighed was 140lbs. I’ve been sheltered by my family, friends and parents. In my community everyone accepted me as I got comfortable on how I looked because everyone else around me had the same look. At age 22, when I stepped out into the world clubbing, fashion, friends and popularity became my focus ...*
- Ellie Rodrigues, North Bergen, NJ - US
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BODY BY YOR, 38 pounds down and now ready to put back lean muscle
I always wanted to look good to fulfill my passion for fashion, but I ended up learning that it’s not about the fabric or the cut in the style, not even the popular brands, but where it sits on…my body ...*
- Edwin Cuevas De Escalante, Fort Lee, NJ - US
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I feel lighter, and look it too!
Since the 8th grade I have been on a diet! Then, I was experiencing extreme fatigue, nightmares, anxiety, nausea, and even fainting.I was put on a very limited diet, which included limiting sugar and carbohydrates, even fruit. As a 13-year-old, this felt like the end of the world! Over the years I have struggled to keep my sugar in balance, especially when it came to weight management ...*
- Jenna Costello, Fairview, NJ - USA
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52 Pounds And Counting!
I have always struggled with my weight. It has been something that has always hindered me. I found myself always comparing and being really envious and jealous of all the other girls. I was very standoffish and acted this way because I was so unconfident ...*
- Samantha Kahn, Cincinnati, OH - US
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Desperate for a Solution
In my twenties when I was built like an athlete, if anyone ever mentioned anything about me getting fat I would always tell them, "There's no way I am ever going to get fat, I have GOOD genes!" Both my dad and my grandpa were fairly thin. However, entering the workforce after college and not having the time to run up and down the basketball court 4 to 5 hours a day I began gaining weight. I couldn't believe it or should I say I didn't want to admit it.. ...*
- Howie Palmer, Chino Hills, CA - US
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From Chump to Champ
Before I was introduced to YORHealth I was always a very athletic person. Attending the gym was a hobby of mine and I always took supplements but the results would never give me satisfying results ...*
- Hernan Sanchez, Fontana, CA - USA
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The New Me
Before I started using YOR Health products, I was always feeling tired and weak. I was scared because I didn't know what to do. I've taken a lot of products and different diets and none of them worked for me. I even exercised everyday but I would lose only one or two pounds a week. Then I started using YOR Health products... ...*
- Julio Cesar Vasquez, Brooklyn, New York - US
Language: French
Avec toutes ses charges d'effort le produit REPAIR m'aide à récupérer et élimine les courbatures lors de grosses séances d'entraînement ou après les courses. Mon épouse qui pratique la course à pied de temps à autre s'évite également les courbatures du lendemain et elle est vraiment impressionnée par ce produit. Merci ...*
- Jean-François Weber, Monthey, Valais - Switzerland
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Completely Changed My Life
Ever since I can remember I’ve been skinny, ‘til about three years ago. Friends and family always asked how I stayed so thin. I would always say "I have good genes". At least that’s what I thought. All that changed when I started working at a fast food place ...*
- Sindy Mora, Moreno Valley, CA - US
YOR Repair to the rescue!
Since using the products, I am more alert and full of energy than I have ever felt and I no longer depend on my caffeine fix in the morning. I am told by my coworkers and friends that I look different, more "refreshed", "youthful" and "lighter on my toes". I not only look better, but I FEEL better... ...*
- Michele Lowe, West Covina, CA - US
C'est POSSIBLE !!!
Language: French
Voilà 4 ans que j'essayais de trouver une solution pour mes problèmes récurrents d'inflammation du tendon rotulien. J'ai effectué mon armée auprès du corps des Grenadiers d'Isone et l'activité physique intense m'a provoqué une inflammation des ligaments rotuliens. A vrai dire mon mental masquait la douleur mais je m'en rendais compte en rentrant chez moi le Week-end en voiture. Je ne pouvais plus rester assis pendant 5 minutes avec les genous pliés sans être atteint de douleurs aigües ! Je devais carrément passer le volant au passager pour que je puisse tendre mes jambes et ainsi soulager la douleur. ...*
- Steve Weber, Valais - Switzerland
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50 lbs down and in control of my health!
Before YOR Health came into my life, I was very overweight, clinically obese. I weighed 262 lbs and squeezed into a size 42 waist. I wasn’t ever really too down on myself about my weight, but it always seemed to get to me at the end of the day. Every couple months I would have to get new shorts because the inner thighs of them would rub so much from my thighs rubbing together that it would put a hole in them. I had to come to an agreement with myself that my weight would be an issue my whole life ...*
- Page Pilman, Norwood, OH - US
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Impossible Is Not YOR Answer
Ever since I can remember I was over weight. I was always the chubby kid in my family, but I never realized how big I was since my family never told me anything. I got to high school and reality struck. Kids started making fun of me and my self-esteem was crushed because I was always picked on. I was 283 pounds and I had lost hope. I felt like I was destined to be overweight forever ...*
- Juan Campos, Rialto, CA - USA
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I Lost 25 lbs
Prior to YOR Health my diet was terrible, I drank 8 sodas daily and I ate Mexican food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I would have 2 tortas a day. My friends would tell me that they can hear me breathing hard after a walk down the stairs. To top it off I would always drink energy drinks to get my energy ...*
- Margarito Trejo, La Puente, CA - USA
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From Deep Sadness to Happinness.
For most of my life I was always fit and very active; I went to the gym, worked out, and had a pretty lean body. Unfortunately, at the age of 17, I got married and became pregnant soon after and that changed everything for me. I used to weigh 120 pounds and during my pregnancy I reached 200 pounds. After giving birth, I only went down to 190 pounds and that became a nightmare for me ...*
- Vicky Aguila, Belleville, NJ - US
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When We Are Blessed!
Three years ago I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I was pregnant. Once I found out I was pregnant I tried to do exactly what the doctors told me to do. I slept, ate, and even gained weight the way they wanted me to, but almost five months into the pregnancy I lost the baby. This was the most difficult experience that I had ever been through.In the past I had always been thin and balancing my weight had never been a challenge. But for some reason after losing the baby, my body was different. I tried everything to lose the 30 pounds; extreme diets, exercise, beach volleyball, all different types of supplements, I even had a personal friend cooking and proportioning my meals for me. Nothing worked ...*
- Ellen Palmer, Chino Hills, CA - US
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Back in balance and feeling great thanks to YOR Health!!
tarting when I attended college I noticed myself needing coffee and energy drinks to stay awake & active during the day. Then after working full time in an office, I started to see myself lose muscle and feel weak. At this time I also noticed that I seemed most tired after meals, and that I would feel indigestion and heartburn after some meals. I was feeling tired every day and it was irritating... ...*
- Justin Burkhart, Cliffside Park, NJ - US
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No More Late Night Bad Eating Habits
My experience with YORHEALTH has been unlike any other. Thanks to the MRP and the CompleteBurn, I’ve been able to control my late night snacking. Ever since I could remember I have struggled with my weight. I tried everything and nothing has been able to control my late night cravings, which is the reason I gained weight in the first place ...*
- Arline Taveras, Bronx, NY - US
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I'm a Believer
I’ve been an athlete for most of my life and have never had to struggle with weight – in fact I’ve always thought donuts should have their own food group. It has now been a year since my son was born and I am still about 20 lbs over what I was before pregnancy. Being fed up with my body and unable to lose the weight, I decided to try some of the YOR Health products. Both my husband and I have noticed a difference in my energy levels and weight loss ...*
- Kellie Pennino, Yucaipa, CA - US
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I'm Back
In my first picture I was 185 pounds of all muscle. Yeah right, at least that’s what I would tell people to cover up from the truth; not just about how I looked, but also of how I felt. I felt horrible, slow, sluggish, and fatigued all the time. Imagine being 26 years old and thinking there was no enjoyment to my life. Wherever I would go my energy was low and I could never focus on what was in front of me ...*
- Anthony Velez, Huntington Beach, CA - USA
Weight loss
I have never had a program that was so easy to stick to, and now I have the energy to start working out! I'm excited because I can see the old me coming back; leaner, more alert, and with a great energy level. This is awesome!!! ...*
- Phil Walker, Visalia, CA - US
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I used to have quite bad skin, my mum used to describe it as dry and warty and the acne was mild but persistent. I never had regular bowel movements and the auto-intoxication gave rise to flatulence and headaches. I used to also have a rather slim-to-skinny build, lying close to the BMI border of being underweight for a guy ...*
- Patrick Bannerman-Agbesi, Cliffside Park, NJ - USA
What Is Life Without Health?
Everybody comes to a point in their life when you start to think about your health and well being. For me, that was when I learned that YOR Health was launching last May 2008. I’ve used every product that has been released and have had some amazing results ...*
- Joshua Lau, Palisades Park, NJ - US
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My Best Self
Prior to taking the YOR Health products I was probably in the worst shape of my life. I grew up with my dad while my mom was in Puerto Rico. My dad and I would occasionally go out to eat, at all times of the day multiple times week. A few co-workers I had always said I looked very young, but on the inside I didn’t feel that way ...*
- Alexander Rodriguez, West Haven, CT - US
MRP Delivers its Promises
I have been using MRP twice a day for the past 3 weeks and my impressions are that a) It does control my calorie-intake; b) It does reduce my hunger and c) It does taste good. ...*
- Nick Photopoulos, New York, NY - USA
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Healthier, Clearer Skin...Finally!
Ever since I became a teenager, I've always struggled with clear skin. I first started breaking out on my face. After a while it spread on my neck, then my chest, and then all over my back. That affected my self-esteem. I didn't want to look at the mirror. I was afraid of meeting new people because of the judgment. I didn't want to go out on dates, or socialize ...*
- Reynard Lerot, Queens, NY - US
From Drastic Intervention to Health Prevention!
I always thought I had a healthy diet. Despite the sports I practiced (football, table tennis, fitness), my belly was always bloated. Digestion did not occur correctly and the food remained in my colon too long ...*
- A. Sylla, Friedrichshafen, Bodensee - Germany
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A New Start
Growing up I never suffered from being overweight; I could eat whatever whenever. I was very active with sports at a very young age. When I got to high school I played soccer.Well after I graduated I made a decision that completely changed my life; I got married. I had to step up and provide for my family and after 2 years I noticed I was gaining weight, but I never did anything to take care of it. My clothes weren’t fitting, my suits didn’t button, and worst of all, I couldn’t keep up with my kids ...*
- Juan C Ibarra, Fontana, CA - US
You Snooze You Lose
In high school I found myself rushing to class to take naps before the bell would ring. This inability to stay awake and alert followed me out of high school into cosmetology school where I was pulled out of class 3 months into the program to be questioned about what was wrong with me ...*
- Tiffany Van Goey, Morrow, OH - US
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I Can't Belive It
Language: Spanish
Yo siempre he sido un persona delgada pero flácido; hacia ejercicio pero nunca había podido hacer músculos. Yo tenia la idea de que para hacer músculos, solo se necesitaba hacer ejercicio y no hacer dieta, hacia abdominales y no tenia resultado, me desesperaba ...*
- Luis Valdez, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco - MEX
A Way To Healthy Living
Before using the YOR Health products I used to frequently fall asleep pretty much everywhere. A lot of my friends and family would make fun of me. They thought that it was a joke, but it was not funny to me inside. I decided to look for ways to increase my energy ...*
- Ben Wilson, Cincinnati, OH - US
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What A Burn!
I cannot remember a time I was thin or a time I felt good about myself. The more I gained weight the lower my self-esteem and my confidence diminished. In my family I was the only girl that was over weight and made me more depressed to be the only one. I tried every diet and every dietary supplement in the market to help me lose weight and gain some confidence but they never worked for me ...*
- Graciela Rivera, North Bergen, NJ - US
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Turning 30…..Just Became The New 20
I haven’t felt like this since I was 20. I have tried many health products in the past decade and nothing comes close to the YOR Health line of products. I used to weight lift for 4 years from the age of 18 to the age of 22. I was always in good shape, but the problem was I didn’t have the best of eating habits. For example ...*
- Hameed Hemmat, Palisades Park, NJ - US
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I Finally Got It
When I first heard that our company was going to sell health products and I learned about our products and their ingredients, I just couldn’t wait to use them. I’ve tried diets like the Atkins diet and the Lemonade diet before, looking for effective ways to lose weight. These diets worked for the duration that I needed to use them, but I would find myself right where I started, with all my weight back ...*
- Araselis Russell, Brooklyn, NY - US
Good as New!!!!
I started martial arts training almost 10 years ago; however I never thought I would stick with it, much less compete as a point fighter. In late September 2007 I injured my knee at a competition. I wasn't sure what had happened, I had so much adrenaline running, when my knee gave out I felt no pain.. Competition is my life and at age 20 it was taken away from me ...*
- Felix Caballero, New York, NY - US
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Pretty Young Again
I'm 4'10'' woman already in my fifties and I saw myself weighing 175lbs. I began to have pain in my right knee because of the extra weight I carried around. My doctor told me that I needed to lose weight to relieve the stress on my knee ...*
- Suyapa Rivera, North Bergen, NJ - US
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YOR Repair gave me my new body!
My whole life, I was smaller than all of my friends, I was weaker than all my friends, and I was less defined. This took a toll on my confidence in all aspects of my life. When I was introduced to the YOR Health line of products, I was excited to try something so many people were talking about ...*
- Aaron Pitman, Cincinnati, OH - US
Body Evolution! Mind Evolution! Make YOR change! This is simply YOR Life Style!
Language: French
J’ai toujours su que je devais prendre soin de mon corps. J'avais décidé de faire divers sports que j'ai finalement arrêté au moment où je me suis rendu compte que je n'arriverais pas à tout gérer à cause de l'école. ...*
- Ali Taner, Fribourg - Switzerland
Et la fatigue disparus.....
Language: French
Avant de connaitre les produits YOR Health, disons que mon alimentation laissait à désirer. Je ne tenais pas une journée sans au moins 3 boissons énergétiques. Pour que vous compreniez mieux ma situation je vais vous racontez une journée banale ...*
- Adan Costas, Courtepin, Fribourg - Switzerland
It Worked For Me!
I am a 54 year old man who had to undergo knee surgery on both knees when I was a teenager. A short while ago I was experiencing some discomfort deep inside my left knee which was making it uncomfortable to walk on ...*
- Ted Riegel, New Carlisle, OH - US
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Nunca me imaginé pesar menos de 220 libras.
Language: Spanish
Mi nombre es Alex, soy de la Ciudad de Querétaro, México. Mi apodo desde la secundaria fue "Gordo". Durante ese tiempo mis hábitos alimenticios eran 100% malos y mi vida completamente sedentaria. Nunca logré pesar menos de 220 libras. Mi familia siempre me decía que tenía que bajar de peso.En Mayo del 2008 fui a una presentación para el lanzamiento de los productos de YOR Health y ahí decidí probarlos y tome el reto más grande de mi vida – bajar 66 libras ...*
- Alejandro Manuel Cortes Morales, Queretaro - Mexico
Digestion Complete
When I was young, I already had a major digestive problem. I can vividly recall from my past, how my dad would literally massage my stomach because it hurt. As I grew up and throughout my adult life, I literally went to several doctors to check my stomach. I was about to give up, but I sought other natural solutions. And so, I started eating more whole foods, organic, natural food, and exercising yet I would still have my symptoms ...*
- Michael Pascual, Long Beach, CA - US
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Feeling Good About Myself!!
When my significant other gave me the unexpected news that she was pregnant, I did not have any other choice but to start working a lot more. During this period of time, I didn't have much time to work out and I ate very poorly. As time went on, I saw myself putting on more weight ...*
- Frank Rojas, Fort Lee, New Jersey - US
From Bangin Heads to Head Banger!!!!
Growing up I was always a little chunky, and acne, the worst. I’ve used a ton of facial creams. Over the years I lost a little so I was just thick. Before I got introduced to this company and the products there were a lot of things wrong with my body that I was completely unaware of and how serious it could be ...*
- Robyn Baxter, New York, New York - US
I Can Love My Food Again!
A lot of my digestion issues came from the food that I ate growing up. My whole left my family overfed me and said that it was good to eat a lot and eat everything...What I began to notice though, was as I got older, things weren't sitting very well in my system. At times I would go back into the bathroom 5-10 minutes after I tried to "go" because I never went and I felt the need to finish ...*
- Linda Chum, Fort Lee, New Jersey - US
Repaired What A Car Damaged
On the night of January 13th of this year, I experienced something I never have before. While riding my bicycle to work I was hit by a car while crossing an intersection. Everything happened so fast. The light changed while I was crossing the street. Most cars saw me and acted accordingly, but this one didn’t. I saw that I would hit the jeep head on if I continued the way I was riding, so I turned to be parallel with the jeep to avoid a collision. The slippery pavement caused me to slide and ram my side into the jeep. Because the vehicle didn’t stop initially, when I bounced back from hitting the jeep, I landed on the ground ...*
- David Holloway, Hamden, CT - US
Pursuing My Passion!
For the past nine years I have suffered from swelling in my knees which caused me a lot of pain. The pain would come and go for days at a time, being so bad that it would sometimes keep me awake at night. I constantly asked my doctors what was wrong and if they could fix it and they couldn't give me a reason for my pain or a way to help it. The most frustrating part of it was that the pain would severely hinder one of my main life passions, running ...*
- Katie Bothe, Mason, Ohio - US
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Commit to YORself
All my life I was considered skinny, but once I reached college my luck began to run out. I started to gain weight and it showed; once a skinny kid, now an atrocity. I have now developed love handles, a double chin, and it just really affected my confidence ...*
- Julio Acevedo, Chelsea, MA - US
Happy Cycle
For most of my life, I live a healthy normal life as an athlete. However, for the past couple of years, I have struggled with an irregular menstrual cycle. My period would come at very random times and maybe not at all for three months. I started to experience severe bloating and constipation. I would go through two to three whole days without any bowel movements. When I did have to go to the bathroom, it would take hours to find any relief ...*
- Cindy Lee, Fairview, New Jersey - US
Caffeine Free and Full of Energy!
Prior to being introduced to the YOR Health line, a lot of people would have judged me to be healthy based on my small physique (being only 5'2" and 108 pounds). However, looking closer on the inside, my health was not in the best condition because of my poor eating habits. During my college years, I was found being constantly exhausted because of the typical instant noodle for dinner and late night wings and fries diet throughout long nights of studying. As my schedule got busier with an aggressive school curriculum and work schedule, I found myself falling asleep at odd hours ...*
- Kathleen Bootsri, Cliffside Park, NJ - US
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YOR Repair Has Got Me Back In The Game
All the pounding my body gets from being in the army eventually caused my ankle to give up on me. To make a long story short, my doctors told me that I was not going to have a full range of motion nor be able to squat at a 90 degree angle due to the metal plate and reconstructive surgery done on my ankle ...*
- Pedro De Leon, Wahiawa, Hi - US
When I was growing up, I would always remember being in restaurants. My parents had been in the restaurant industry my whole life, so when I was old enough to start working I began bussing tables when I was 14 years old until I could serve. I would work between 9-13 hours a night for four nights a week carrying heavy loads of dishes at a fast paced, stressful environment. Within six months I developed a sharp pain in my upper back between my shoulders and my neck and I would always come home exhausted ...*
- Tammie Yip, Cincinnati, OH - US
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A 9 Year Craving Satisfied!
I've been trying to gain weight and muscle for the past 9 years of my life; ever since I over heard some girls in my class talking about and comparing guys. They started comparing they guys in the school n they placed them in categories from guys they would date, guys they would just want to stare at, and the lowest possible, none of the above...long story short I was in the none of the above category ...I could never forget the way I felt when I heard that. I felt low, I felt hurt, and I felt like I wasn’t worth anything, not even someone to just look at...for lack of more words I felt ugly ...*
- Mark Reid, Brooklyn, NY - US
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Never Lose Hope!!!
I come from a very petite family, but even though I was very petite, for some reason I always thought I looked over weight. My height is 5' 3" and I always weighed at my normal weight 115 lbs. At 18 years of age I had my first child. When my son was around a year old I met my now husband. Six years into our relationship I became pregnant, after the birth I did gain a few pounds that I couldn't lose. Two years later we had our second child and this is when I knew I had to do something. After giving birth to our baby I was 150 lbs, but it wasn't just the pregnancy that made me gain the extra pounds ...*
- Jackie de Santiago, San Bernardino, California - US
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5% chance of walking…now RUNNING!!!
On March 19, 2008 I was diagnosed with TB of the Spine and the Englewood Hospital in New Jersey. Two of my vertebrae were eaten away, so my spine collapsed and because of that, my spinal cord got compressed. Due to the compression of my spinal cord, I was paralyzed from my chest down. I couldn’t walk because I lost all my strength from my legs, I couldn’t sit up because I couldn’t use my stomach muscles, so pretty much I was in bed 24/7. So by March 21, 2008 I went into surgery at UMDNJ in Newark, New Jersey. They put in a fiber tube, metal rods, and screws to decompress my spinal cord. After Surgery, I went into rehab for physical therapy. It was the toughest thing I have ever done physically and mentally. Because I couldn’t walk for so long, my muscles became weak and especially my joints, they were so stiff and when I exercise I would hear it crack and snap ...*
- Son N Nguyen, Ridgefield, NJ - US
No Pain, Lots of Gain
Like most people, I used to work in a corporate 9-5 job, typing away everyday. 4yrs ago, I developed a slight pain in my right wrist. I didn’t think much of it, but every year it got a little worse. Now I can’t even do simple things that I once could with my wrists. Things like push ups, typing, opening jars, writing normally, even when sleeping I felt throbbing pains. I was really, really unhappy and honestly thought I would have to live with this for the rest of my life ...*
- Joseph Chui, Palisades Park, New Jersey - US
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Its Only The Beginning
As a child I was always full of energy and extremely skinny. At the age of 19 I began working for a fast food restaurant and lost track of my health. After 3 years I gained 26 pounds! I was scared! I didn't know what to do ...*
- Leo Bailey, El Monte, California - US
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10 Centimetros Menos
Language: Spanish
Me llamo Pablo Salas, tengo 28 años soy Mexicano vivo en Cholula Puebla. Probablemente han conocido personas gorditas que les urge bajar de peso, son cinicos y dicen sentirse bien asi como estan. Pues ese era yo ...*
- Pablo Salas, Cholula, Puebla - Mexico
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Lost 40 lbs. and Loving It!!!!!!!!!!
Being overweight wasn't my main problem, but it was all the other problems that it created for me. People would avoid me, cross the street when I passed, point and stare, crack jokes about how big I was; it was never ending. Physically I would sweat so much that it created an odor that people always noticed, my body always hurt especially my knees and back just by doing normal everyday activities. But, even with all the physical pain, it was the emotional toll of being trapped in a body that I didn't want that hurt me most ...*
- John Nadeau, Malden, MA - US
I'm Relieved!
When I was younger, I was very active in dance and played tennis in high school. I never had indigestion problem since all the food I ate would burn off because I had a fast metabolism. However, as I got older, when I ate spicy or fried foods, I would start to feel congested and felt like I couldn't breathe. I also felt discomfort and pain in my upper abdomen and chest. My stomach gets bloated and I feel as if it’s filled with gas ...*
- Phet Vong, Fort Lee, NJ - US
Lucky Me
I don't know how to describe what happened to me a couple of months ago. On October 30th, as always, I went to work. Later that day something happened that will make me see life differently. What happened that day around 12:30 pm was that I got crushed between a forklift and a machine. A co-worker moved the forklift and I went to the ground and I thought that the bones in my back were broken because I was in such pain ...*
- Jorge Adan, Brooklyn, New York - US
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Health & Co-Q10
I was introduced to YOR Health during my junior year of college. Health, wellness, and nutrition were never thoughts that came across my mind. Looking at it now, I can see how unhealthy I was living ...*
- Lisa Chang, Lowell, MA - US
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Changing A Non-Believer
Raising two children at the age of 24, my father had little time to cook meals, let alone have dinner together as a family. I quickly became a very chubby, self-conscious little girl. I vividly remember one time my uncle patted my big belly and asked if I had swallowed our basketball ...*
- Jessica Haar, Cincinnati, OH - US
My Lower Back is Back!!!
This year, for 2009, I made my New Years Resolution - to get back in shape and be consistent. On Sunday morning on January 18, 2009, I was at the gym and performing an exercise called "the dead lift" and as a result I pulled my lower back. ...*
- John Zhong, Brooklyn, NY - US
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Dieta de la "T"
Language: Spanish
Yo realmente estoy sorprendido por mucho tiempo estube, tratando de bajar de peso comiendo segun yo saludable pero lamentable mente o afortunadamente en el menu de todo buen Mexicano ahi unas comidas que ni para que les platico le yamamos. Al principio desia cuando yo quiera bajo de peso y si lo trataba pero nada, no podia trataba no comer tanto pero la pansa me ganaba y regresaba alo mismo. ...*
- Fermin Meza, El Monte, California - US
Why Doubt! Just Try It!!!
I work with a moving company part time and you endure a lot of physical activity going up and down stairs. So I sought out products that could possibly help with my back pains ...*
- Charles Roberts, Brooklyn, New York - US
On the Road to Recovery Thanks to YOR Repair!
I have been an athlete my entire life! Being active has been one of the most important things to me. About 3 1/2 years ago I was playing Semi-Pro Football. In Practice during a tackling drill I tore my ACL and lateral and Medial Meniscus (in my knee).Due to a lack of health insurance, I couldn't immediatly get the surgery required to fix it. For three long years I struggled with the burden of pain and immobility ...*
- Brian Sullivan, Cincinnati, Ohio - US
Enzymes, Enzymes, and More Enzymes!
Hi! My name is Carolina Soto, I’m 30 years old and I’ve had pain in my joints for almost 6 years. I didn’t like the traditional solutions available because I felt I was intoxicating my body and nothing was going to get better. I was experiencing so much pain; I couldn’t exercise for 2 days in a row, in fact there were many days when just walking around my apartment was a lot for me. Good luck for me, at that time I learned about YOR MRP ...*
- Carolina Soto, Irvine, CA - US
No More Pain, PERIOD!!
I’ve been suffering with major cramps and pain for the past 7 years. Each month when my period comes I get really sharp pains in my lower stomach and back. Month after month I continued to try something new hoping that it might lessen the pain ...*
- Yaniris Abreu, New York, NY - US
Silent Treatment
On the day before New Year's Eve, I got an early morning phone call from my brother. When I picked up to talk, my voice was gone and I could barely talk. I guess the night before I neglected to that the light cough and the slight itchiness in my throat would cause me to lose my voice ...*
- Mayling Zhong, Brooklyn, NY - US
My Skin Is Clear!!
Being in a touring band in high school forced me to be in environments and situations that were less than optimally hygienic: sometimes unable to shower for a day or so at a time, playing festivals in the desert with little to no break from the heat, eating and drinking whatever was free. I would also break out in heat rashes which added to the condition and red appearance of my skin. I blamed it all on things that I thought were out of my control ...*
- Benjamin Howard, Cincinnati, Ohio - US
Years of Toxins Finally Being Removed!
In the event of unsightly bloating due to years of bad digestion, I felt the need for a means of at least working off this seemingly apparent excess baggage around the mid- section of my thin frame, but somehow I never brought myself to take the action to do so ...*
- E. F. Pritchard, Brooklyn, New York - US
Go Green!
Honestly, when the Super Greens first came out, I was not too enthusiastic about it. I was the type of person to never eat any vegetables or any color or forms of greens in my food. I had a strong dislike for the taste and the sight of it. But everything else, sure pile it up on my plate please. I knew I needed it for the fiber and antioxidants and such ...*
- Helen Jiang, Palisades Park, New Jersey - US
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Gaining Muscle, Burning Fat
I have been working out consistently for the past four years, but now after three months with YOR MRP I have been gaining much more muscle definition than ever before while keeping with my same work out routine ...*
- Kevin Nadolny, New York City, NY - US
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Down 48 pounds and loving it!
I grew up in Ecuador and all the food I had was always natural and organic. I ate very often and I was in good shape, weighing 180 pounds. Then I moved to New York with the same eating habits, little did I realize that the majority of the food wasn’t natural and organic and I didn’t realize how rapidly my body and my face changed because of my diet. In the course of 6 months I gained 70 pounds bringing me to a dismal weight of 250 lbs ...*
- Rae Estupinan, Bronx, NY - US
Qué Bien Nos Escondemos Debajo de Nuestra Ropa ¿Verdad?
Language: Spanish
Es increíble pensar que no necesitas gastar tanto dinero en nutriólogos y dietas para tener una buena salud y nutrición. lo difícil para mi era que desde los 18 años sufrí de desordenes alimenticios y HONESTAMENTE me afecto de muchas maneras (todo por estar delgada) ...*
- Hassive Zuñiga Hernandez, Puebla - Mexico
A Whole New World!
In the last 14 months, I have felt better than I have in my entire life. That seems like such a bold statement, but when something as precious as mobility is taken from you, you appreciate it 100% more when you get it back. ...*
- Desirae Beal, North Bergen, New Jersey - US
Seriously, good morning!
I used to think that as a college student it was normal to be exhausted all the time. To be exhausted when you wake up, to be exhausted through class, and then to be exhausted when you get home. Especially if you were a full-time student with a job, all the more reason to be so tired ...*
- Amatusitaar Blanchette, Bronx, New York - US
Regaining the Bounce in My Step
About three years ago, I began suffering from what is known as "runner's knee"....When the symptoms of runner's knee started, at first I was in denial. My knees became stiff and swollen. Movement was slow and painful. I made attempts to run and/or workout, but the pain was extremely excruciating ...*
- Owen Chang, Palisades Park, NJ - US
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Finally...I Believe!
YOR Health is everything! 15 yrs ago when I was 11, my mother suddenly passed from Liver Cancer. My Mom became a statistic; my life an example of a slow and steady problem. I went from a healthy, happy go lucky, energetic, all-star athlete to downright lost and depressed. I lost hope and faith in many things. I didn't know what to believe anymore. I lost my confidence, grew timid, tomboyish and downright plain Jane ...*
- Iris Chau, Brooklyn, NY - US
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Improved Skin
It all started when I was 12 years old; I began to see acne on my face and couldn’t believe it. I remember crying in the mirror many times because I felt like the ugly duckling of the family and among my friends. I never felt that I can truly fit in with other group of friends ...*
- Marlyn Rojas, Bronx, New York - US
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Family Compromise
My new year’s resolution would always be to lose weight, but it never turned out that way. Finally, six months ago, in May 2008, I was getting tired of being known as the overweight guy. So I told myself this was THE year for me to lose weight and get the confidence I have always wanted. Like a lot of people out there, I had an overwhelming schedule ...*
- Jimmy Tran, Lowell, MA - US
My Insides are excited
I felt that I lost some of my inner strength and I wanted it back! My body was stiffening. My joints made clicking sounds when I got in to stance. The Essential Vitamin helped me with my joints for better flexibility and helped clear marks on my skin. The CompleteBurn helped me do some cool moves with its relentless supply of energy ...*
- Jonathan Browne, Brooklyn, New York - US
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14 lbs of Muscle
For many people, losing weight is a problem, but I'm the complete opposite. I've been trying to gain weight all my life, more specifically since high school. At that point I was just naturally skinny. One of the physicians at my school notified me that I was 20lbs under my weight according to my height which was 5'11" ...*
- Khanh Ngo, West Haven, CT - US
Hi everyone my name is Laura. I've always been an active person, I love sports and I used to play many of them; I was in volleyball, basketball, and softball. About two years ago I had to get a knee surgery; I was messing around with my friends and injured my right knee ...*
- Laura Romo, West Covina, California - US
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Progression is Inevitable!
I grew up with a mostly athletic background, playing all different types of sports; mostly ice hockey so weight or health was really never an issue for me. Since I became heavily involved with sports and activity it did not matter what I ate since my metabolism was always on high gear ...*
- Nick Bartola, NY - US
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18lbs. and Still Counting
I was always very active as a young boy and even as a teenager. I loved to play sports like basketball, football, and go bike riding. My high school years were when I was in the best shape of my life because I was on the football team and I spent a lot of my time in fitness training. I weighed 145 lbs. and I felt great ...*
- Sam Adorno Jr., Stratford, CT - US
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It’s Never Too Late For YOR Essential Vitamin
I have always had problems with my skin and my parents have spent a lot of money sending me to dermatologists and other types of treatment for my acne, but it always comes back. Because of that, I have very low self-confidence ...*
- Andrew Wong, Brooklyn, NY - US
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Toned and in Control!!!
I struggled with my gut and extra weight going to the wrong places for a few years. As I got older I began to eat even worse and the majority of my weight went to my gut, waistline, neck and face. I could cover it with my clothes, but I knew, and that’s the part that killed me inside ...*
- Kurt Higgins, Westbury, New York - US
Unhealthy To Healthly Lifestyle
I’m not a morning person. Prior to using YOR Health products I used to be late to work about 3-4 times week. I’ve been trying looking for something that can boost my energy but I never found anything good. When I came cross the opportunity with the YOR Health products and I learned about YOR MRP that has 140 calories and is filled with the nutrients that my body needs I decided to give it try ...*
- Champ Morgan, Bronx, New York - US
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Change Before It Was Too Late
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I come from a West Indian family, where they love to cook. I was skinny when I was younger, now that I am in my late 20’s and heavier, my body needs to change fast or I would just be another statistic in society; I realized I have to make a change before it’s too late. I had no idea how I was gong to make this dramatic change for a better lifestyle; both mentally and physically ...*
- Shawn G. Ramdass, Bronx, NY - US
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Bye Bye Freshman 30!!!
Well, growing up I was a decent weight my entire childhood up through high school. I may have had a little extra baggage but nothing that would be considered a real problem. I was always active playing baseball, running track or touch football with my friends on my block. But going to college totally changed everything for me ...*
- Kevin Cummings, Bronx, New York - US
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What I Didn't Know Then That I Know Now!
While many people have been struggling for most of their lives with weight issues, I have been fortunate enough to have maintained a consistent and healthy weight for most of my life. So why even put up a testimonial if I have always looked fit, you may ask? Well, because there’s more to my story than meets the eye and YOR Health products have really helped me in more ways than one ...*
- Angely Rojas, Bronx, New York - US
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No More Guessing!!!!
My entire life I have lacked confidence, which was due to my struggle with weight. When I was 13 years old, I already weighed over 180 pounds. By the time I was 18, I weighed around 220 pounds. Not only did I always feel tired, but I had no confidence in me. I would never voice my opinion, I would never make decisions. I was a follower because I was never confident about the way I look ...*
- Chester Leung, Palisades Park, NJ - US
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30 Yrs Old Going On 21
Health, for so long, was not an issue for me. I was young, active, and had so much going for me. Reality hit me at a young age when I had my daughter Jade at 17 years old. I was forced to grow up so quickly which caused tons of stress on me. I gained tons of weight from the pregnancy and my only solution was to smoke a half a pack of cigarettes a day. Then without warning, to make matters more detrimental, my late husband passed away in a deadly car accident. I was devastated, depressed ...*
- Cathy Tien, Flushing, NY - US
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Looking Great, Feeling Even Better
I have played sports my whole life, especially football. I wanted to take my career to the pro-level until my dreams were shattered my Junior year of High School when I took a blow to my left knee. I had reconstructive surgery, which is supposed to heal it back to normal. Unfortunately, the pain in my knee from the surgery was brutal and it started slowing down my workouts and even caused me to leave the game of football because of the pain ...*
- Brian Plante, Flushing, NY - US

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*The testimonials contained on this website and any other publication or printed materials are provided by customers who have used at least one YOR Health product. Please be advised that the testimonials contained on this website and any other publication or printed materials reflect only the experiences of the customer who has provided the testimonial. YOR Health does not make any claim that such experiences are typical or are indicative of future performance or success of using one of their products.

The above individual’s results may not be typical. As of July 2024, those who completed 8 weeks in the weight loss category of YOR Best Body lost an average of 13.92 lb (6.31 kg), or 1.74 lb (0.78 kg) per week. When replacing 2 out of 5 mini-meals per day with a meal replacement shake, the average person should expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. As with any reduced-calorie diet, the amount of weight you'll lose will depend on the number of calories you consume in proportion to your weight. Optimal results are achieved when following the product regimen in combination with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Individual results may vary. Factors that may affect your results include (but are not limited to) your metabolism, exercise routine, diet, smoking, pregnancy, current medications and any medical conditions. As with any health or fitness program, regular exercise and a sensible eating plan are essential to achieve long-term weight loss results. No customer was paid for a testimonial.