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Professional Spotlight

Marylise Gobet
Marylise Gobet
Naturopathy & Chinese Medicine
Posieux, Switzerland
bullet Nurse certified in various fields including general care, anesthesiology, and reanimation
bullet 40 years in health care industry & private office of naturopathy and Chinese medicine.


Bio Curriculum Vitae  
"When my son asked me to take a look at the YOR Health products and their Scientific Advisory Board, I studied every product composition and scientific studies, and I ordered each product to see the effects on me."
I've been interested by all the research and developments in nutrition, dietetics, prevention and complementary therapies. When my son asked me to take a look at the YOR Health products and their Scientific Advisory Board, I studied every product composition and scientific studies, and I ordered each product to see how they would affect me.

In 1991, I had a fracture in my spinal column with severe after-effects, like painful sciatic nerves, less mobility, and trouble with some senses. I also got whiplash after a car accident in 1996 which resulted in very painful after-effects like sensitivities in my left arm that made me decrease my professional work (I couldn't do anymore manual therapies) and housework. I had to stop doing sports (bicycle, skiing, excursions, jogging, etc.) and all my movements were limited by serious pain.

I gained 88 pounds (40 kilos) and I had a very negative image of myself. I was afraid that other people would look at me and judge me. My everyday life totally changed. I had no desire to do things like going to see an exposition, to travel, to garden, to make some do-it-yourself crafts, to participate in any sports and hobbies, to go shopping, to play with my kids, etc. Every little thing was a bit of effort for me to give and most of the time I needed a few days to recover. I was in a depressive state and had daily pains.

I am convinced that the YOR Health products could be the solution for the health of my patients because of the Enzyme Delivery System. I tried every product for 4 weeks and YES, 4 week of Repair (3x2 capsules per day) were enough to begin the entire and definitive process of recovery.

I have tried every product, and feel like every problem I had is now ok. I don't feel any more pain and I now have normal mobility and sensibility. I lost 75 lbs (35 kilos) and have now a better shape, and my skin is even firmer; some of my patients even ask me if I had a face-lift. I started to do sports and my housework again without any difficulties, every day is like a new life.