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Scientific Advisory Board

Richard B. Couey, Ph.D.
Richard B. Couey, Ph.D.
Scientific Advisor
bullet Consultant for the Texas Rangers (MLB) & the U.S. Olympic Team.
bullet 30 years of involvement in the health & fitness field.
Bio Curriculum Vitae

Published Works

Published Works
Super Antioxidant Diet and Nutrition Guide - Richard B. Couey (Author)
bullet Nutrition for the Happy Cell. Serendipity Publishers, Houston, Texas, 2002.
bullet The Happy Cell. Serendipity Publishers, Houston, Texas, 2002.
bullet Play Golf Effectively. West Publishers, Phoenix Arizona, 1993.
Articles (A representative sample of over 100 articles published)
bullet "How to Become a Whole Person." Church Rec. Mag., Aug., 1982.
bullet "Recreation for the Handicapped Person." Church Rec. Mag., Aug., 1981.
bullet "Commonly Asked Questions about Exercising." Mature Living, Aug., 1982.
bullet "Commonly Asked Questions about Dieting and Weight." Mature Living, Dec., 1982.
bullet "Kinesiological Approach to Pitching." Texas Coach, March, 1976.
bullet "Weight Training Exercises for Baseball Players." Texas Coach, Sept., 1975.