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Corporate Responsibility

Success in sharing
While most businesses thrive on competition, we see a unique opportunity to attain success through sharing. By sharing healthy products with others, and helping them to do the same, you are rewarded. The more successful you help others become, the more you benefit. Sharing makes everyone's share become more valuable. We believe this is the start of a revolutionary business and social model. One that will demonstrate how businesses can help solve many of the world's most pressing problems.
Changing one life at a time
Our world and our individual lives are in the process of evolving. On our quest to grow individually and globally, YOR Health aims to promote mutual understanding, friendship, openness, cooperation, unity, and lasting peace. In order to grow we need to make decisions, take responsibility and assume control over our future. That's why we're all in this. We believe we're part of a movement to make people and the planet healthier. But most importantly, all of us at YOR Health are in this because we want to do our part. And each of our contributions put together will create that major change we wish to see in the world.